dr. R (Roger) Cremades Rodeja
Assistant professorDr. Roger Cremades is a transdisciplinary socioecological complexity economist working on urban research under global environmental, economic, technological, and social change. Roger investigates land, water and energy use in space in urban areas, and explores urban responses to risks due to natural hazards, and plausible arrangements to increase societal resilience and global sustainability within constrained budgets, such as insurance instruments, circular economic mechanisms, and other policy and planning tools under consideration by societal stakeholders. His research niche emerges in the economic and cultural interactions between urban (circular) systems and global change in space, and in the application of innovative complex systems methods to these interactions across scales, from the citizen and the household, to the neighbourhood and the metropolitan area, and on the implications of reducing the consumption of raw materials on regional and global commons. Roger coordinated research and co-production projects above €1M, and published in top journal like PNAS, Ecological Economics, Nature Climate Change, and Nature Geoscience. Roger is elected member of the Council of the Complex Systems Society (2019-2022, re-elected 2022-2025) and co-Chair of the Development Team of the Finance and Economics Knowledge-Action Network of Future Earth (2020-2022). Roger is known for applying complex systems methods such as networks, cellular automata, or adaptive cycles, thus producing innovative work about socio-economic tipping points, the dynamics of social norms, the sustainability frontiers of cities, the economics of the water-energy-land nexus, and climate-risk insurances, to mention a few. Roger likes good coffee, good food, and multiple fermentation processes. A few times every winter, Roger either breaks the ice in a frozen lake and jumps into the water, or does things of the sort on freezing torrents.
If you wish to follow an academic career, Dr. Roger Cremades is seeking MSc thesis students for the following topics, often in collaboration with external partners in other top-notch institutions worldwide:
- Social tipping points
- Agent-based models
- Network science applied to cities and climate change
- Urban transformations towards sustainability and climate resilience
- Spatial and cultural interactions of sustainable lifestyles
- Emergence of economic patterns in cities and regions
- Complex systems science applied to food systems and to social-ecological systems in general