LS (Samantha) Elkhuizen

LS (Samantha) Elkhuizen


Samantha Elkhuizen is a PhD researcher in the Health & Society group at Wageningen University & Research. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Health & Society and a double Master's degree in both Communication, Health & Life Science and Nutrition & Health.

Samantha is passionate about working on complex health promotion issues, addressing health disparities, and promoting citizen participation through patient and public involvement. Her work is inspired by systems thinking, Participatory Action Research, and includes both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Her PhD research focuses on citizen engagement in health promotion initiatives, investigating the various ways in which citizens participate and the factors and mechanisms that facilitate their engagement in different contexts. She is involved in several research projects:

Good Health and Opportunities for All Good Health and Opportunities for All (COMPLETED) - WUR

Samen Werken aan Sterke Wijken: integraal werken aan een gezonde leefomgeving in kwetsbare wijken Together We Thrive: Strengthening Communities - WUR

Citizen Science for Pandemic Preparedness Citizen Science for Pandemic Preparedness - WUR

Burgerparticipatie in domeinoverstijgende samenwerkingsverbanden Citizen participation in cross-domain collaborations - WUR