dr. SJ (Samuel) Sutanto

dr. SJ (Samuel) Sutanto


Samuel Sutanto has worked on the development of a hydrometeorological drought early warning system for Europe. He specializes in droughts forecasting including their impacts as well as the compound and cascading event of dry hazards, i.e., drought, heatwave, and fire. From September 2021, Samuel is working in the Water System and Global Change group (WSG), Wageningen University and Research (WUR), where he is developing climate information services for smallholder farmers in the global south. For this project, he is, together with colleagues, inventing a mobile phone app (DROP app) that provides weather and soil moisture information for farmers up to 7-day ahead.

Samuel was involved in numerous projects both in Indonesia and in Europe. He was involved in some projects funded by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia. One notable output from Samuel includes his work in developing the Indonesian Landslide Early Warning System (ILEWS). This system is operational and uses by the Indonesian government to predict landslide events. He also closely worked together with NASA-JPL USA and SRON the Netherlands (both are space research organizations) on the study of the hydrological cycle using satellite-borne isotopologue measurements and climate models. Other European projects that Samuel was involved in were the ANYWHERE project funded by Horizon 2020 with the aim to develop Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MH-EWS) and the ROMEO project to quantify methane emissions from oil and gas platforms in Romania. Currently, Samuel is working on several projects globally (e.g., WAGRINNOVA, WATERAPPscale, ML-Climate, A4-IRL, and CDH-EU).

Samuel also contributes to teaching and supervising students.