S (Sjoerd) Boersma

S (Sjoerd) Boersma

DLO Onderzoeker

Sjoerd Boersma obtained the M.Sc. (cum laude) and Ph.D. degrees in Systems and Control at Delft University of Technology, Holland, in 2015 and 2019, respectively. After working on modeling and control (optimization) of wind farms during his Ph.D., Sjoerd worked in the research institute Supergrid-Institute, France. Here he worked on optimal experiment design for identification and control of power systems until the end of 2020. Currently, Sjoerd is working in Biometris (WR) on modeling and control of different agricultural applications (greenhouse, arable farming, livestock, water management system) in different projects. In addition, Sjoerd teaches a course on solving differential equations at the Wetsus academy (Leeuwarden). Besides his work for Biometris, he is also working part-time in the Jan Ingenhousz Institute. This recently founded institute is researching the limitiations of phototsynthesis on yield and Sjoerd is working on modeling the effect of genotype and environment on the phototsynthesis and phenotype.