TB (Thies) Reemer

TB (Thies) Reemer

Advisor Multi-stakeholder Collaboration for Inclusive and Sustainable Food Systems

See my LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thies-reemer-8798219/

Samples of work: 

Unpacking Social Equity in Food System Transformation: creating conversation on how practitioners and institutions can rethink and operationalize social inclusion, gender equity and just transition

How to steer transformation of agro-food sectors in a direction that is deliberately inclusive.  Chapter 4 in Transforming Sectors

Compendium of Gender Transformative Apporaches

Practical guide on the use of the gender action learning system (GALS) in value chains

Case Study on the role of unpaid care work in a value chain development programme

Discussion paper on gender in Shrimp value chains in Vietnam and Indonesia