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Education - prof.dr. AJ (Tinka) Murk


MAE70224 MSc Internship Marine Animal Ecology
MAE79224 MSc Research Practice Marine Animal Ecology
MAE10302 Scientific Diving - Theoretical course
YBI85812 BSc Thesis Biology
MAE50306 Short Research Project in Marine Animal Ecology
MAE50806 Advanced Molecular Ecology
MAE11303 Boundary Crossing and Personal Leadership
MAE21306 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods for Marine Sciences
MAE20803 Scientific Diving - Practical Course
ENP35806 Environmental Quality and Governance
MAE90302 Scientific Diving
ENP35806 Environmental Quality and Governance
MAE50306 Short Research Project in Marine Animal Ecology
MAE50806 Advanced Molecular Ecology
AFI31306 Life History of Aquatic Organisms
MAE79324 MSc Research Practice Marine Animal Ecology
MAE80324 MSc Thesis Marine Animal Ecology
MAE80336 MSc Thesis Marine Animal Ecology
MAE70324 MSc Internship Marine Animal Ecology
YBI70324 BSc Internship Biology
AFI31306 Life History of Aquatic Organisms
MAE21306 Research Methods for Marine Sciences
WEC21306 Introduction to Animal Ecology
MAE30306 Marine Animal Ecology
MAE79224 MSc Research Practice Marine Animal Ecology
MAE70224 MSc Internship Marine Animal Ecology
MAE79324 MSc Research Practice Marine Animal Ecology
MAE80324 MSc Thesis Marine Animal Ecology
MAE80336 MSc Thesis Marine Animal Ecology
MAE70324 MSc Internship Marine Animal Ecology
MAE10806 Introduction to Marine Sciences
MAE10806 Introduction to Marine Sciences
MAE30306 Marine Animal Ecology
ENP35806 Environmental Quality and Governance
YBI86324 BSc Thesis Biology
YBI85812 BSc Thesis Biology
YBI85812 BSc Thesis Biology
WEC21306 Introduction to Animal Ecology
YAS10306 Introduction to Animal Sciences