

MARINA Team - A multidisciplinary team with researchers from Wageningen and China. In the WSG group, several PhD candidates work with the MARINA model

Research introduction

Nutrient and other sources of pollution is a problem in many rivers worldwide. The most important causes include agriculture, urban waste, and industries. In China, animal production is a relatively large source of pollutants in rivers. This is a result of the fast industrialization of the animal production sector, and low nutrient use efficiency of food production.

Research challenges

MARINA is a Model to Assess River Inputs of pollutaNts to seAs. It is a downscaled version of the Global NEWS (Nutrient Export from WaterSheds), but with improved modelling of animal manure and human waste as well as with updated information for reservoirs. The model can be runned at the global, sub-basin and rivers scales, and models multiple pollutants.