
The paradox of landscape change

Theo van der Sluis started his PhD with FNP in 2011, on landscape change processes and (European) policy. This study evolved from the EU-Volante project, in which data from case study areas were collected in Greece, Italy, Denmark, Austria, Romania and the Netherlands (Heerde). The different methods used include GIS techniques to study temporal land cover changes, farmer interviews to assess changes in land use intensity, comparison of the implementation process of the Habitats Directive in different countries, and Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping to assess stakeholder opinions on the processes of landscape change.

Theo works at Alterra as landscape ecologist since 1993, mostly in international projects on land use and biodiversity. The landscape approach has been a central theme during his entire career, whether as a land use and natural resources planner in Botswana and Ghana, as ecologist in the Netherlands, or in development of ecological networks in Europe and his current work on landscape change processes.