
Bio-accessibility of micronutrients

Adnan is a fulltime PhD candidate from Pakistan. He obtained his BSc degree & MSc degree in Food Science and Technology from his home country. He completed his MSc thesis on topic " Evaluating functional properties of moringa leaves by developing juice blend with strawberry " at National Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFSAT), University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan. During his bachelor and masters, his participated in different trainings and volunteers works related to food science.

He is doing his PhD in collaboration with Food Quality and Design (WUR) and Department of Agriculture, Food & Environment (Di3A) Catania University, Italy. His project is part of SFIDA project, and focuses on understanding the micronutrient bioaccessibility and bioavailability in biofortified vegetables by using in vitro systems.

Alleviate the micronutrient malnutrition