Bio-based production in developing countries
The primary aim is to investigate the potential of augmenting bio-based production in developing countries, utilizing insights from the banana sector in Uganda. The central objective of this study is to analyse how the current food supply system can be restructured to incorporate both food and bio-products, with the goal of enhancing agro-industrialisation in Uganda. The core focus of this research is on value addition to the banana plant.
The agricultural sector in Africa plays a crucial role in ensuring food security and contributes significantly to the gross domestic product (GDP) providing employment for a large portion of the population. However, agricultural production generates abundant biomass from plant residue and post-harvest losses that remains underutilized despite its potential for social and economic transformation. Biomass can be used in the production of food, feed, fibre and fuels (bio-based products) and as a replacement for a number of fossil fuel-based products. Bio-products can be used as a replacement of glass, plastics, tree pulp and other products from synthetic raw materials such as chemicals and polyester. Therefore, crops can be cultivated with the aim of providing food and biomass for industries to support the growing demand for these products in Africa and beyond.
Project description
This study will assess the transformation of banana supply chains in Uganda to identify ways in which the banana production system in Uganda can be restructured into a broader bio-based production system.