Designing Systems for Informed Resilience Engineering.
DeSIRE aims to conduct excellent research of societal value by connecting advances in resilience engineering (RE) with adaptive principles of economic and societal resilience.
Within this programme, 15 tenure track positions at 12 faculties across all four Dutch technical universities of 4TU were created. This ambitious research and capacity building program will support a new generation of engineers and practitioners – 100 Resilience Fellows – to be trained to design, build and integrate infrastructures that are fit for the challenges of the 21st century.
Within the strategic activities of the DeSIRE program the Tenure Tracker at the WU Landscape Architecture group addresses research questions within the cluster of 'resilience thinking and design': What constitutes resilience of complex adaptive social-technical-environmental (STE) systems? To what extent can resilient futures be engineered? How can we generalize from the resilient design of individual engineering projects and systems? Where are the limits of existing methods? What are the directions for future development and testing of new design methods and approaches?
Project leaders: Tatiana Filatova (UTwente) and from WUR/LSP Sanda Lenzholzer, Rudi van Etteger, Joao Cortesao