EU forest bioeconomy
The overall objective of this project is to determine to which extent Climate Smart Forestry measures, including its downstream wood products optimization, can enhance the climate mitigation effect of the European forest sector.
The research project will touch different topics and will last for 4 years.
First, the study will have a close look at the Harvested Wood Product (HWP) flows and the associated carbon storage in four countries representing the major EU climatic zones.The selected countries are : Finland, Germany, Spain and France.
When the commodity flows are clarified, an improved HWP module will be build into an existing forest resource model, to assess the regional wood assortments. The module will be a tool box for the EFISCEN speace model which will be operative soon.
The final step will include the runs of several scenarios that will help us to understand which is the best strategy to enhance the forest sector mitigation potential taking into account climate changes and market needs.