Marketing Patterns of Genetically Modified Food in Dutch Grocery Shelves
This research project - financed by COGEM (Commissie Genetische Modificatie) - collected a comprehensive and regionally representative sample of 20 supermarkets in The Netherlands. These retail stores have been surveyed five times from November 2022 to July 2023 in order to obtain a nationally representative picture on the structure and the changes in the numbers of genetically modified food products offered in grocery shelves to retail customers. Moreover, the managements of these supermarkets have been interviewed in order to understand their attitudes and considerations towards offering or not offering genetically modified food to clients.
The analysis focused on clarifying the following five research objectives:
- How have the prices of the most important agricultural commodities on world markets developed?
- How have food retail prices in the Netherlands developed?
- How did the number of GM-labelled food products in shelves of Dutch retail stores develop in the short run?
- Do the developments of the numbers of GM-labelled food in the Netherlands, world market prices and the national food price inflation follow the same trends?
- What are the underlying considerations of Dutch retailers why to offer or not to offer GM-labelled products to consumers?
Project description on the COGEM website: https://cogem.net/onderzoeken/ontwikkelingen-rond-gg-voedsel-in-de-nederlandse-winkelschappen/