The Lower Mekong River Basin (LMRB) contributes significantly to safeguarding the food security of geographically related countries, including Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam. However, millions of LMRB inhabitants are struggling to meet their dietary needs.
Climate change (CC) even renders the basin even more food insecure via disrupted hydro-ecological regimes, intensified salinity intrusion, and deteriorated biodiversity albeit many structural and non-structural countermeasures implemented. There is, therefore, a dire need for innovative approaches to safeguard regional food security against climate change, and Nature based Solutions (NBS) importantly represent one.
The planned activities planned are structured into 4 Work Packages (WP), including, (i): Evaluation of the climate change impacts on the ecosystem services (ES) that support food security: (ii) Curation of NBS best practices in safeguarding food security; (ii) Assessment of the NBS potentials in enhancing LMRB’s CC resilience and food security; and (iv) Disseminating the research findings and building stakeholders’ capacities to adopt and upscale NBS via scientific publications, policy briefs, knowledge-sharing events, and social-media products.
Numerical Modeling, Climate scenarios projections, Multi-criteria Analysis, Participatory methods.

(Expected) results
Four main results:
- Evaluated impacts of climate change impacts on the ecosystem services (ES) that support food security
- Curated good practices of NBS in safeguarding food security
- Assessed potentials of NBS in enhancing climate change resilience and food security
- Disseminated findings as scientific publications, policy briefs, knowledge sharing events, and social-media products.