Network of Universities & Enterprises for Food Training in Southeast Asia
A consortium of 14 partner institutions from Europe and Southeast Asia will implement the NutriSEA project: "Network of Universities and Enterprises for Food Training in Southeast Asia". The NutriSEA project is oriented towards the food sector, which represents a large share of the agriculture in the Asian partnercountries concerned. It focusses on food-related curriculum development, the cooperation with enterprises via Technology Transfer Offices and strengthening internationalisation at partner universities in Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar.
The Erasmus+ project NutriSEA aims at building capacity at six Universities in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam to:
- Support a sustainable food value chain model based on entrepreneurship and
- Create added value to the natural resources supporting food production, and
- Enhance university-enterprise cooperation as well as regional and (inter)national cooperation and networking.
The specific objectives are to:
- Reform curricula related to food production at BA/MA level, in line with regional developments, local market demands, and competence based teaching methodologies.
- Train 18 academic trainers (Regional Food Training Team), 10 Tech Transfer staff, and 10 International Relations Officers.
- Set-up or reinforce Technology Transfer Units at the Asian partner universities which focus on university-enterprise cooperation and innovation.
European Partners
Under leadership of Ghent University, Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen University & Research) and four other European partners, Campden BRI, University Paul Sabatier Toulouse, University of Porto, Georg-August-University Göttingen, provide the necessary input and receive trainees at their institutes. The Southeast Asian partners are: Royal University of Agriculture, Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear, University of Yangon, Yezin Agricultural University, Hue University and Hanoi University of Science & Technology.
NutriSEA regional training workshops
From 14 to 18 November 2016, Wageningen University & Research contributed to two of the five NutriSEA training workshops organized at Hue University in Vietnam. Jan Helder (Centre of Development & Innovation), contributed to the training Entrepreneurship. Jan Meiling (Wageningen University & Research’s Start-Life and Roel Bosma (Wageningen Animal Science) provided input to the training Technology Transfer, also called ‘Value Creation’ or ‘Business Spin-Offs’. At the hand of this training the topics for the two week training in Europe were identified.
NutriSEA EU training workshops
From 20 to 24 March 2017 Wageningen University & Research received 14 lecturers from six Universities for a training on Technology Transfer and Enterprise Development (TT&ED), and two for a hands-on training on Internationalization. The latter two were from Yezin Agriculture university and Hue University; they continued to Porto for a one week training and exchange.
The training on TT&ED was provided by Jan HELDER, Wageningen University & Research-CDI, (Financial Management of SMEs), Aurore BERTHIER, Université Toulouse III (Project management), Jan MEILING, Wageningen University & Research’ Start-Life (Supporting Entrepreneur Skills), Maria OLIVIERA, University of Porto (Setting up a T-T office from scratch: organisation & finances), and Roel BOSMA, Wageningen University & Research-ASG. The latter facilitated the learning around visits to NOVEL-T, the TT&ED office of TU Twente, and of the Friesland-Campina Innovation Laboratory. The 16 participants came from the Royal University of Agriculture, Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear, University of Yangon, Yezin Agricultural University, Hue University and Hanoi University of Science & Technology. The group continued to Gent for their second training week.