Nutritional support around farrowing to improve the farrowing process and colostrum production of sows
By Jackeline Hornstra-Greydanus
The transition period around farrowing is considered the most critical period in the life of modern sows and their newborn piglets, resulting in several health and welfare issues. The farrowing process and colostrum production are energy-demanding processes, and prolonged farrowing and low colostrum production occur when sows become depleted of energy. Current feeding strategies do not sufficiently cover the requirements of sows during the final days of gestation. New nutritional strategies are needed that focus on the last few days of gestation, to achieve a shorter farrowing process and maximized colostrum production of sows. The aim of this project is therefore to determine the effect of dietary energy sources and the effect of feeding strategies, on the farrowing process and colostrum production of sows, and its consequences for sow and piglet health and welfare.