Potato responses to combined water and nitrogen limitation stress
This project is part of CropXR-potato. The aim is to investigate how water and nitrogen stress—both individually and combined—affect potato growth and yield. By studying above-ground traits – particularly leaves, we aim to understand how these stressors impact plant health and productivity. Using advanced, non-destructive tools to monitor crop development, we will analyze data from multiple potato varieties under different conditions and time points. The goal is to improve nitrogen and water use efficiency in potato farming, helping to enhance food security while reducing environmental impact.
Unregulated nitrogen use harms the environment and
reduces agricultural efficiency, while climate change increases the frequency
of droughts. These stresses, individually and in combination, reduce potato
yields through impaired photosynthesis, morphological and physiological
changes, and growth. However, the mechanisms of combined water and nitrogen
stress remain poorly understood under field conditions.
Project description
Non-destructive measurements with state-of-the-art phenotyping equipment (MultispeQ, LI-COR600) to monitor crop growth & development of genotype in a GWAS panel
- Leaf gas exchange measurements (e.g., transpiration rate, stomatal conductance)
- Leaf measurements (e.g., nitrogen content, chlorophyl content)
- Few intermediate harvests and a final harvest for 20 cultivars and 12 treatments combinations (4 nitrogen and 3 water)
- Focus on potato above-ground traits – photosynthesis related
- Data collection and analysis
- Field work
- Modelling to integrate physiological and genetic insights