
Project: Ein ökologisch bedeutungsvolles und kosteneffizientes Mikrokosmen-Testsystem zur Bewertung des Risikos von umweltrelevanten Chemikalien für Bodenlebewesen

As clearly noticeable from the title this is a German project, and it aims to demonstrate how nematodes can be used as indicator group to asses the risks of various categories of pollutants on soil life without the need for detailed taxonomic expertise.

Nematode communities will be exposed to pollutants under highly controlled conditions at Ecossa (a German SME based near Munich), and quantitative molecular analyses of nematode communities will be done at the Nematology Lab in Wageningen. The project in financed by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU. This German Federal Environmental Foundation) is one of Europe's largest foundations and promotes innovative and exemplary environmental projects.