RECSA - Climate Smart Agriculture for a Resilient Coastal Bangladesh
Research introduction
The densely populated coastal area of Bangladesh is severely threatened by climate change. Sea level rise enhances salt intrusion, which is worsened by persistent droughts. At the same time, flood risk increases. Flooding may damage crops and ruin the harvest. In other words, there is an urgent need for adapting the current agricultural practices to these changing circumstances. If not, food security of communities in coastal Bangladesh will be at risk.
Research challenges
Research and education is the first step in adapting the agricultural system to climate change. That is exactly where Project RECSA: Climate Smart Agriculture for a Resilient Coastal Bangladesh comes in. Our mission is to support Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) to set up the department of Climate Smart Agriculture. This department will constitute a research institute and a master program. The focus of this institute is not only on gaining knowledge, but also on sharing knowledge. Implying that researches will often be conducted in close collaboration with local organizations, communities and farmers. RECSA is also performing research on promoting farmer-friendly Weather, Water and Climate Information Services to forecast plant diseases, engaging females in Information Services to enhance access and information.