SU-EATABLE LIFE - Reducing carbon emissions in the EU through sustainable diets (COMPLETED)
The EU food chain is at present highly carbon intensive and water intensive. EU agriculture is responsible for about 30% of EU CO2 eq emissions, while about 44% of EU water extraction is used for agriculture. A significant contribution to reduce CO2 eq emissions and water use pressure might come from the adoption of a more sustainable and healthy diet.
However, while people are generally aware that the food they eat is an important factor affecting their health, the impact thatfood production and consumption have on the world’s resources is less known. There is therefore the need to build methods and tools that create awareness among the population on the potential savings of resources that correct diets can bring and stimulate the population to adopt such diets.
The SU-EATABLE LIFE project aims to engage EU citizens to adopt a sustainable and healthy diet, that results in reduced carbon and water footprints, through the implementation of a series of activities in university and company canteens. The long-term objective is to contribute to a substantial reduction in CO2 eq emissions and water saving in EU via citizen education and active engagement.
5 Key objectives and actions
- Collect and analyse initiatives, projects and best practices that promote changes in dietary behaviour patterns towards a healthy and sustainable diet
- Develop an IT system to enable people to understand, learn and engage in sustainable diets, while monitoring the impact of their diet change in terms of CO2 eq emissions and water saving. Dedicated features to certify and reward the choice of sustainable meals will be developed and integrated in the already existing greenApes platform (www.greenapes.com), which has the purpose of promoting sustainable lifestyles and behaviour change by leveraging on rewarding, social networking and gamification mechanisms
- Carry out engagement activities in university and company canteens
- Engage at least 5,000 people in order to adopt a sustainable diet
- Reduce CO2 eq emissions and water footprint through the adoption of a sustainable diet.