
System Innovations for Workplace Health Promotion (COMPLETED)

This study is designed to get an understanding of the functioning of the work and health system, to make this situation explicit to stakeholders and to find solutions for system innovations and transitions by which workplace health promotion becomes an integral part of daily business practice.


Society and companies nowadays are more dependent on well-trained, highly qualified and motivated employees than ever before. At the same time, the potential of the workforce and its ability to develop have become the subject of a new understanding of health, which encompasses both physical and mental well-being, the quality of life, and learning. But, despite the recognition for more emphasis on well-being and health promotion, workplace health promotion in the Netherlands has not yet achieved its full potential. The focus is mostly still on disease management, and ministries and companies do not always feel responsibility for health promotion. To bring health promotion on the agenda requires an analysis of persistent problems in work and health systems, and a system innovation. Challenge is that health promotion strategies are not limited to a specific health problem, nor to a specific set of behaviours.

A conference was held to conclude the project on January 28th, 2010

Clich here for more information on the conference