The effect of an innovative veal calf housing system, combining emission reducing measures such as manure and urine separation, and enrichment measures such as floor heating and pen enrichment, on animal health and welfare
By Rozemarie Schoonus
The livestock sector faces increasing societal concerns about public health risks, environmental impact, and animal welfare. In the Netherlands, the intensification of livestock farming and the close proximity between agricultural areas and urban regions raise concerns regarding emissions, zoonoses, and antibiotic use. The veal calf sector, in particular, is under pressure due to high antibiotic usage, young calf transport, and new regulations aimed at reducing nitrogen emissions and improving animal welfare.
The Calf Clean System is an innovative solution developed by G. van Beek en Zn. addressing these issues. It consists of eight components, including rubber flooring, separation of manure and urine, rapid waste removal, floor cooling, and ventilation. The system aims to enhance calf health and welfare, reduce ammonia, methane, and particulate emissions, and maintain farm profitability. To make the veal calf sector future-proof, additional welfare-improving measures, such as pen enrichment, will also be considered within the project. This project investigates the effects of the Calf Clean System components and other measures on animal health and welfare, emissions, and the business model.
The project will entail a collaboration between G. van Beek en Zn., Wageningen University (WUR) and Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten. The project is funded by G. van Beek en Zn.