TripleP@Sea - Coastal and Marine resources
TripleP@Sea: Smart use of marine ecosystem services providing sustainable Profit of the Planet for People.
TripleP@Sea aims at developing an ecosystem services and marine communities approach in three marine environments that strongly differ in climatological conditions and social context.
In the next decennia the growing world population and its consumption is expected to increase the pressure on marine ecosystems as a source of food and feed, energy, transport, space, recreation, functional chemicals, etc. Marine ecosystems can support these and other functions for the benefit of society, but only in a sustainable way when combinations of ecosystem services are smartly chosen to make them strengthen instead of hamper each other. .
The approaches that bring such complex issues further and can be translated to other (international) situations and locations as well.
With this IPOP TripleP@Sea Wageningen UR invests in stimulating scientific output, strengthening cooperation within and outside Wageningen UR, enhance innovation to provide an answer/solutions to societal issues and elaborate the possibilities for educating professionals and scientists in the broad field of marine environmental sciences.
Within this Wageningen UR IPOP TripleP@Sea initiative scientists of the research institutes and university will work together with stakeholders on three show cases. PhD projects will be embedded in this cooperation to strengthen the combined effort and output within these themes.