Hernieuwbare grondstoffen voor groeimedia : Basisgegevens ten behoeve van het convenant Milieu-impact potgrond en substraten
Blok, Chris; Beerling, Ellen; Barbagli, Tommasso; Eveleens, Barbara
A broad group of stakeholders has signed an agreement that will gradually reduce the environmental impact of growth media use from 2025. Article 2, paragraph 5 of the agreement states that the aim is to provide further substantiation for a target for renewable raw materials in the professional market in 2030. Article 2, paragraph 6 then indicates that additionally the possibilities for further differentiation will be examined. However, the differentiation in Article 2, paragraph 6, is not the primary goal. The agreement aims to determine a certain percentage target for renewable raw materials for the total professional market in addition to the target of 85% renewable raw materials for the total consumer market. This report makes a substantiated proposal for this, with realistically achievable quantities and percentages per submarket, based on the available and potentially available renewable raw materials in Europe for the period 2023-2050. For each possible raw material, availability, advantages and disadvantages and competition with other applications were examined. Broadly speaking, higher percentages of renewable growing media are recommended for tree crops and ornamental crops, including cut flowers, potted plants, bulbs and bedding plants, followed by vegetable crops, followed by cultivation of vegetable crops under glass and for outdoor cultivation. Although the recommendation from WUR is substantiated on the basis of estimates per submarket, it is up to the agreement partners to determine what the final, non-differentiated target percentage for 2030 will be. It is also recommended, on the one hand, to accelerate research into the stabilization of a number of fibers and, on the other hand, to offer growers structured information on how to work with the new renewable raw materials.