
Packaging of alphavirus-based self-amplifying mRNA yields replication-competent virus through a mechanism of aberrant homologous RNA recombination

Hick, Tessy A.H.; Geertsema, Corinne; Nijland, Reindert; Pijlman, Gorben P.


Messenger (m)RNA has taken center stage in vaccine development, gene therapy, and cancer immunotherapy. A next-generation of mRNA is the self-amplifying (sa)mRNA, which induces broad and long-lasting immunity at a lower dose which provides better clinical outcomes in conjunction with fewer adverse effects. SamRNA, also known as “replicon” RNA, encodes the replication machinery of an alphavirus together with an antigen. Efficient delivery of replicon RNA to target tissues can be accomplished by packaging the replicon RNA in virus-like replicon particles (VRPs) via co-transfection of producer cells with defective helper RNA(s) encoding the alphavirus structural proteins. During the manufacture of VRPs, however, there is a potential risk of RNA recombination, which may lead to the formation of replication-competent virus (RCV). To investigate the factors influencing the unwanted RCV formation, we evaluated how sequence homology orchestrates alphavirus RNA recombination. Several combinations of complementing alphavirus replicon and helper RNAs varying in length of sequences overlap were co-transfected in mammalian cells. The culture fluid was serially passaged to detect RCV. Nanopore sequencing of cells after the first passage in combination with amplicon-based Sanger sequencing of RCV in the culture fluid after four passages led to the detection of RNA recombination. RCV was generated between replicon and helper RNAs with sequence homology in either the non-structural or structural genes, whereas RNAs without overlapping gene regions did not generate RCV. Remarkably, no sequence overlap was detected at the recombination junction sites in the RCV genome, suggesting a mechanism of “aberrant homologous RNA recombination.” Accordingly, we conclude that the alphavirus RNA recombination process leading to the formation of RCV is homology-assisted and can be prevented by avoiding sequence homology between replicon and helper RNAs.