
New Political Economy Initiative Rural Economy Workshop

Alonso Fradejas, Alberto


The New Political Economy Initiative (NPEI) is run by several centres established across the Global South and North in order to think about new ways to think about the economy, particularly at a moment when the global hegemony of neoliberalism is beginning to wane. In this context, NPEI is organizing a Rural Economy Workshop on 7-10 May 2025 at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, in Assam, India. The agenda of the workshop is to create a space to think about what the agrarian and rural questions look like in the contemporary period, with a focus on the Global South, what are the dynamics at play in the countryside, what is the nature of social relations emergent in the current context where there is now a growing emphasis on the role of the non-farm rural sector, how does it relate to the agrarian sector that has historically dominated the rural economy, how does this shape thinking around building prosperous/ remunerative rural economies, what is the nature of class formation and what kind of politics emerge from such a context. To this end the NPEI brings together a small set of scholars for an intensive dialogue.