
Maatregelen voor klimaatadaptatie in de melkveehouderij : Een literatuuronderzoek naar klimaatrisico’s en mogelijkheden voor klimaatadaptatie van melkveebedrijven in de Achterhoek

de Vries, Marion; Hoving, Idse; van Dixhoorn, Ingrid; Ruijter, Dionne; Zom, Ronald


Climate change will increasingly affect dairy farming in the Netherlands, due to changes in precipitation patterns with longer periods of precipitation deficits and surpluses, higher air temperature, lengthening of the growing season, more frequent extreme weather events, and a higher atmospheric CO2 concentration. A literature review was conducted to identify impacts of climate change on Dutch dairy farming and potential climate adaptation measures. About 60 potential adaptation measures were identified related to water management, soil management, pasture and grazing management, crop management, fodder conservation, feeding and nutrition, housing and animal management. Local stakeholders considered the extent to which the identified measures are effective and applicable to dairy farms in the region ‘the Achterhoek’.