Impacts of accelerating agricultural R&D Transfer on global food security
Jin, Yan; Kristkova, Z.; Kardung, M.; Wesseler, J.H.H.
Postponing the adoption of genome editing (GE) is costly, with lengthy regulatory processescontributing to postponement. Accelerating agricultural research and development (R&D) transferis important for stimulating sustainable agricultural transitions and enhancing global food security.Using the MAGNET model, we incorporate dynamic R&D accumulation and compare economicprojections in scenarios with accelerated R&D transfer. We calculate the cost of delay (COD) frompostponing GE adoption. The results show that accelerating R&D transfer in high-income countriesimpacts economic performance, welfare, and food affordability globally; the annuity of COD rangesfrom losses of -$1.1 billion (Brazil) to gains of $18.5 billion (Europe). A 3-year acceleration of R&Dtransfer in all countries benefits middle and low-income countries the most (e.g. China, India, otherAsian countries, and Sub-Saharan African countries), with the annuity of COD ranging from-$4.8 billion (Brazil) to $83.9 billion (China). Therefore, streamlining the GE regulatory frameworkis essential for enhancing food security and global welfare.