Citizen Science Living Lab - Health, Food and Environment applications
The Citizen Science Living Lab develops and validates mobile devices with applications in Health, Food or Environment. The Laboratory of Organic Chemistry (ORC) of Wageningen University takes part in this project ‘Proeftuin Citizen Science’, by providing the expertise and technical skills and a wide range of high-end instrumentation.
WUR’s contribution:
- In the initial development stage of your biosensors and handheld devices: detailed characterization and validation of sensor surfaces, biointeractions and synthetic peptide alternatives.
- In the early prototype stage of your biosensors and handheld devices: validation of prototype performance versus lab-based instrumentation.
- Further detailing of activities depends on specific needs of future partners.
Citizen Science Innovation Initiative
In 2017, the regional Citizen Science Innovation Initiative (CSII) was established in which Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Twente and Wageningen University collaborate on health, food and environmental analytical chemistry with the ultimate aim of bringing the lab to the sample and facilitating future citizens science approaches.
The ‘Proeftuin Citizen Science’ project
In 2018, the European Union, through its European Fund for Regional Development (EFRO), and OP-Oost granted the project ‘Proeftuin Citizen Science’ (project no. PROJ-00748), coordinated by Radboud University. In this project, the academic CSII partners validate and benchmark prototype devices and handhelds from six different private partners (Nutricontrol, Agrifirm, CBMR, QMicro, eNose, Privacy by Design) using their high-end facilities and expertise.