PhD trip 2017

At the laboratory of Organic Chemistry in Wageningen we like tradition. Every two years a PhD study trip is undertaken and organised by PhD students. During this adventure we share knowledge, obtain new ideas and make new friends at research institutes all over the world. In May 2017 we will visit Denmark and Sweden.

During our trip we will be stimulated on both a scientific and cultural level. In mini-symposia we share knowledge, scientific results and culture. The strength of this format comes from the fact that PhD students from both our group and the groups we visit present their work to each other, hence, many fruitful discussions are at the horizon.

With previous success stories in Canada, Switzerland, Scotland and China the PhD study trip is recognized by our graduate school as an important part of the PhD curriculum. During the trip highly important skills like presenting and networking will be trained for our further development as the scientists of the future.

For more information please visit our PhD trip website:

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Fred van Geenen (Chairman)

Esther van Andel (Secretary)

Jorick Bruins (Treasurer)

Pepijn Beekman (Public relations officer)