Research facilities of Environmental Technology
Environmental Technology (ETE) performs research in the field of Reusable Water, Renewable Energy and Recyclable Matter including soils and sediments. In cooperation with other research groups ETE addresses cleaner production issues and sustainable material chains.
MODUTECH is supported by a well-equipped analytical research environment with an analytical staff of 5 persons (3.9 fte). They have broad practical knowledge in research and take care of the lab organisation, equipment and support in teaching and guiding the students and researchers in their practical period.Furthermore they take care of the practical input during the practical periods in the ETE educational program. The lab provides the researchers with basic laboratory equipment and a set of route analysis methods (e.g. biogas analysis, VFA & MCFA analysis, PAH analysis, TPH analysis, ICP metal analysis). In addition to the routine setups we can offer some flexibility to switch and set up analytical methods on a number of different GC and LC systems according to the specific analytical research question in a project.
Environmental Technology makes use of concepts and mechanisms from different scientific disciplines also making microbiological facilities important. An anaerobic hood, laminar flow cabinet and microscopes
offer us the possibility to make use of these topics in our studies. Of course we also have collaborations with colleague university group which gives us access to more specialised research techniques.

Fig.1 Overview of available measuring techniques in the ETE analytical labs
We are interested to install a GC specifically for our S-research topics. At this moment we are screening the possibilities to find a set up that serves our needs.
Also our LC-MS activities become more and more and we are exploring the
possibilities of having our own LC- QMS (triple) next to the possibilities we
have at our WUR-partner Rikilt.
For additional information or questions address the following people:
ETE: Vinnie de Wilde, coordinator ModuTech (vinnie.dewilde@wur.nl)
LeAF: Miriam van Eekert (miriam.vaneekert@wur.nl)