Wageningen Digital Innovation Hub for Agri-Food
Wageningen University & Research is your one-stop-shop for all things agri-food. As a Digital Innovation Hub, we combine our network of partners and services help you make your idea into a success. Entrepreneurs, startups, and companies looking for services in agriculture, food, fishery, education, and environment, can find all partners connected to our hub on this site.
DIH Services
Business Innovation Services

Value-Sensitive Design
Service provider: ELSA-lab, Wageningen Economic Research
We explore ethical and societal values of potential end-users of new technology during its development. Based on this, we analyse possibilities to attend to these values in the further development or design of the technology, or in the development of an implementation trajectory.
Data Visualisation & Innovative Experiences
Service provider: WANDER-LAB
WANDER-LAB empowers people to make use of cutting-edge technologies to deliver outstanding interactive data visualisation experiences. They do so by developing data-driven custom-made solutions through an integrative approach to socio-environmental challenges. WANDER-LAB’s expertise and shares knowledge on spatial science enables multidisciplinary collaboration.
Incubator / Accelerator Support
Service provider: StartLife
Global food supply challenges demand a radical approach to innovation in the Food and Agriculture sectors. StartLife believes that startups are the propelling force behind the innovations required to meet global food demand in the future. StartLife has been working with startups for over ten years and has supported more than 400 startups that develop technological innovations in the domains of Foodtech and Agtech.
Pitch Your Robot
Service provider: Vision + Robotics
By attracting experiments through open calls, Vision + Robotics can offer a matchmaking event to connect various initiatives with public and private investors. SMEs already developing a robotic solution have the opportunity to “Pitch their robot” in an (online) event and acquire funding to further their work.
Ecosystem Building and Dissemination

agROBOfood Dissemination Package Plus
Service provider: Vision + Robotics
Does your company develop robotic applications for the agri-food domain? Are you looking for ways to showcase your new application to potential clients or to co-partners for further development? Ask your agROBOfood DIH to help showcase your "Success Story" or "New Idea"!
Technical Development Services

Agro Data Cube
Service provider: Wageningen Data Competence Center & Wageningen Environmental Research
AgroDataCube provides a large collection of both open data and derived data for use in agri-food applications. It aims to become a common reference point for data-rich applications in agriculture, where it has been set up with a focus on agricultural production and its environmental performance.
Training and Education

Skills and Education / MOOCs
Service provider: Wageningen Data Competence Center
A variety of educational materials related to Data Science are offered by different organisations. In addition to online courses such as MOOCs, it is also possible to register for courses from Wageningen University & Research and (partner) institutions.
DIH Featured Services
Value design in dairy farms

When designing robotics applications in dairy farming according to the Value Sensitive Design method, an attempt is made to take into account aspects that stakeholders consider important in this respect. We call these values. The purpose of this method is to prevent values from being overlooked that prevent applications from running. The values that play a role for dairy farming have been mapped out by means of systematically analyzed interviews. These values are described in a brochure that can be used in design processes.
Pitch your robot

agROBOfood aims to build an ecosystem that will help the implementation of robotics in the agri-food sector. Greater access to finance for robotic initiatives is the way forward. agROBOfood attracts experiments through open calls and can offer a matchmaking event to connect various initiatives with public and private investors! SMEs already developing a robotic solution have the opportunity to “Pitch their robot” in an (online) event and acquire funding to further their work. agROBOfood organized the 1st edition of "Pitch Your Robot, Find Your Investor" in 2021, connecting 25 start-ups with 50 investors.
VR forest (by WANDER-LAB)
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WANDER-LAB’s vision is to become a pioneering place to investigate, explore and integrate new and advanced visual techniques to spread the word about current socio-environmental challenges and their solutions, based on WUR research findings. By visualising research data, WANDER-LAB engages audiences and stakeholders in research through an immersive experience. Watch the video to see one their virtual reality visualization of forest futures
DIH Network

StartLife empowers founders to build and grow Foodtech & Agtech startups with lasting impact. Since 2010, StartLife has built, supported and funded 400+ startups, propelling breakthrough technologies in the domains of food & agriculture and creating lasting impact. Go to StartLife to be part of a lively community of startups, investors, corporates, and experts; for help on developing entrepreneurial competences; for intensive mentoring programs; to apply for pre-seed funding.
Vision + Robotics

More than 60 WUR engineers and researchers work together with industrial partners on new robotic systems for agri and food. We design agricultural robotic systems for marine, livestock, open field, horticulture, fresh chains and food, together with many experts on these application fields within Wageningen. We specialise in artificial intelligence and sensing, especially spectral, learning and vision. Our experts and unique research agri-food research facilities are at your disposal.
OnePlanet Research Center

OnePlanet Research Center is a multidisciplinaty collaboration between the imec R&D centre for nano and digital technology, Radboud University, Radboudumc and Wageningen University & Research. OnePlanet initiates fundamental and applied research, groundbreaking innovations, and smart product uses by linking ideas, innovations and chip and nanotechnologies from different disciplines. To this end, the centre collaborates closely with other parties such as businesses, education, researchers, societal institutes and civilians.

WANDER forms the WUR-wide hub for visualising and developing research further while engaging stakeholders, students and researchers to find solutions together. As a Shared Research and Education facility, they seek to provide a space where WUR community foster interdisciplinary research, education and external engagement through advanced data driven 3D visualisations and simulations.

Groenpact accelerates innovations in the green sector. Education, business, and government work together on innovations to find solutions to societal challenges. GroenPact also helps to accelerate ideas in the field of further greening the economy and society, sustainable production of sufficient, safe and healthy food, CO2 reduction and climate adaptation, conservation of nature and biodiversity and a healthy, safe living environment.
Wageningen Data Competence Center

The Wageningen Data Competence Center (WDCC) is established to support developments in the field of (big) data and data science at Wageningen University & Research. WDCC brings education, research, value creation, infrastructure and data management together. The WDCC facilitates developments in these fields and serves as an internal and external contact point. The WDCC aims to integrate and strengthen the existing organization of education and research.
Education for Professionals

Education for Professionals develops programmes and organises open-enrolment (online) courses for professionals from business and government. The courses offer the latest theory, insights, and practical knowledge on a specific subject within the Wageningen University & Research fields of expertise: livestock, food, marine, plant, and environment. Tailor-made options from short courses to multi-year programs specific to your business are also available at request.

Since 2004 Foodvalley has been developing and strengthening an international ecosystem of companies and organizations that work together to realise the transition to a sustainable food system. We work closely with corporates, SMEs and governments at every level, and with renowned educational and research institutions. By applying available expertise, we generate innovations that will make a difference, for example by sharing facilities and equipment. Relevant parties in the Netherlands and abroad are welcome to participate.
Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen University and Research (WUR) consists of Wageningen University and Wageningen Research. The research institutes of WUR carry out applied and practical research on behalf of the government, the business community and non-profit organisations. Research is often conducted in partnership with several research institutes, with or without the university, and/or external Dutch or international knowledge partners. We offer knowledge and expertise in the fields of climate, biodiversity, food production, healthy and safe food and the circular economy.
DIH Projects

Business-oriented support to the European Robotics and agri-food sector, towards a network of Digital Innovation Hubs in robotics.

Connecting the dots to unleash the innovation potential for digital transformation of the European agri-food sector.
Internet of Food and Farm 2020

The IoF2020 project is dedicated to accelerate adoption of IoT for securing sufficient, safe and healthy food and to strengthen competitiveness of farming and food chains in Europe.