From design to apparatus
Technicians at the Wageningen Technical Solutions (WTS), have years of experience in deliberating with and advising scientists and laboratory staff from both within as outside Wageningen University & Research. In the WTS, devices and equipment setups are made that cannot simply be purchased somewhere.
In cooperation with our customers, we create a design that takes the circumstances under which the equipment will be used (for long periods of time) into account. We design tools so that the equipment can be modified or build upon at a later stage, depending on the progress of the research.
Our designs are made using modern software and can be drawn-up in 2D, as well as 3D. The Ontwikkelwerkplaats can create all kinds of equipment: everything from microelectronics to larger mechanical installations. A sound design, the right materials and craftsmanship are essential for experiments running smoothly.
Wageningen Technical Solutions has modern machines with conventional and computer-controlled lathes and milling machines. We can reconstruct metals and plastics using different welding and adhesive techniques, and we can also provide solutions in the field of electrical, measurement and control technology and technical informatics.