Gerrit Grijns Initiative
From plant products with a high protein quality to personalised nutrition and mild processing techniques, there are many opportunities for innovations to make food healthier and more sustainable. With the Gerrit Grijns Initiative, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) offers the food industry the fundamental knowledge and insights it needs to achieve pioneering advances.
In the Gerrit Grijns Initiative there are more than 25 professors in various disciplines who work closely together with industry, governments and other knowledge partners to devel op innovations aimed at a long and healthy life for all.
WUR is one of the few research institutions worldwide to carry out food studies focused on the health of the general population. The Gerrit Grijns Initiative brings together the expertise and infrastructure that society needs to find answers to the most complex food and health issues.
From babies to centenarians, food has a major impact on the mental and physical functioning and wellbeing of people. WUR is a world leader in resolving intricate challenges related to food and health. Our broad knowledge and expertise in nutrition, health and the production of healthy, high-quality and tasty food makes us an international frontrunner.
The Gerrit Grijns Initiative is aimed at leveraging the power of food and nutrition to optimize functional health, thereby extending healthy life years. Combining the expertise of the Agrotechnology & Food Sciences and Animal Sciences Groups will allow Wageningen University to appropriately address these challenges and make the difference in this rapidly emerging field. The Initiative will be organized into three themes: Protein quality, mild food processing and targeted nutrition.