Research Associates of the Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
The Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group actively maintains a network of international research associates.
In addition to the research collaboration within larger international projects (such as those funded through the various EU programmes), the Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group maintains a network of international research associates with whom the group has had intensive bi-lateral collaboration in the past during their stay in Wageningen (e.g. in the form of PhD, sabbatical or postdoc projects), and with whom we are developing new initiatives. Research associates are sometimes also involved in teaching activities of the group on an ad-hoc basis. Research associates are appointed for a period of 3 years, after which their status is evaluated and possibly renewed.
- Prof. Dr. K.F. Cao - China
- Dr. M. (Martin) Cerny - Czech Republic
- Dr. ir. P. (Patrick) Jansen - The Netherlands
- Dr. F. Kouame - Cote d'Ivore
- Dr. M. (Mulugeta) Lemenih Kassaye - Ethiopia
- Prof. Dr. J. (Jorge) Meave - Mexico
- Dr. M. A. (Marina) Nadporozhskaya - Russia
- Dr. A. (Annabel) Porté - France
- Dr. S. Sabate - Spain
- Dr. S. (Stefan) Schnitzer - USA
- Dr. Woldeselassie Ogbazghi - Eritrea