The Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group leads or is contributes to many exciting research projects around the world.
This page lists only a selection of ongoing projects.
Ongoing Projects
CSF experiment NL
We aim to quantify the effectiveness of stem density management in minimizing negative effects of drought and heatwaves on (1) forest productivity,... -
What are the effects of lightning on Central African forests?
Though electrical storms have long been known to impact vegetation, few studies have been conducted in tropical forests and none in Africa. This... -
Bridging the gaps: Towards consistentand high-frequency European forest monitoring
Temporally- and spatially-detailed satellite-based forest disturbance detection and classification methods need to be developed and integrated with... -
Climate-smart forestry
The overall aim of my project is to gather robust experimental evidence on the effects of forest density reductions on tree hydration and growth under... -
Traits at the forest-climate-disturbance nexus
Climate-induced natural disturbances will be studied in a functional perspective to improve our understanding of the ecological feedback at the... -
Characterizing and predicting forest disturbance with satellite data and artificial intelligence
Current technological developments in satellite imaging and artificial intelligence hold an unprecedented potential for better forest monitoring from... -
EU forest bioeconomy
The overall objective of this project is to determine to which extent Climate Smart Forestry measures, including its downstream wood products... -
Key drives on tropical forest succession
Tropical forests are among the most indispensable ecosystems on Earth. However, mature tropical forests have been lost at the alarming rate, and thus... -
From understanding to actions using a hydrological model and role-playing games
My PhD project is expected to better understand the forest-people-water nexus to promote collaboration among stakeholders for achieving hydrological... -
Broadleaf temperate trees growth pattern response to increasing the frequency of freeze-thaw cycles
The future of temperate forests is highly uncertain because we do not know how different species will respond to ongoing climate change. One of the...