
Course Managing Public Space: Governance

When managing the public space, you have to deal with complex management tasks. Does the public space also play a role in area transitions, such as climate adaptation? Do you aim to have more control over both the political and the administrative process? Do you rely on other governments or market parties to carry out your work, with different interests and stakes? Is enhancing the power of your individual influence one of your ambitions? And do you enjoy working with master's students? Then this course, with the latest theory and insights from practice, is for you. We organise this course together with the Managing Public Space Foundation.

Organised by Wageningen Academy, Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning

Mon 11 March 2024 until Fri 26 April 2024

Duration 8 weeks (80 hours)
Price EUR 2,295.00

This course has been developed by experts of Wageningen University in collaboration with the Stichting Managing Public Space. The course is part of a series of three courses, which can be followed separately.

Why follow this course?

After successful completion of this course, you will be able to analyse modes of governance, actors, instruments, and decision-making processes in public
space management. You will learn how to influence and act within decision-making processes about public space and to design a governance arrangement for managing transitions in public space. You can integrate theoretical perspectives with your practical knowledge and experience and demonstrate relevant competences in contexts with multiple disciplines and stakeholder participation.

For who is this course?

This course is designed for a blend of two groups: professionals acquainted with the management of public space with a bachelor of master level of working by
experience or study, and master students with a background in planning or design. Professionals and students collaborate in small teams in this course.

Not sure about your level of English? Contact the programme manager or course leader.

Programme & Topics

The course includes lectures, exercises, groupwork, field work, presentations and personal reflection.

• modes of governance and policy instruments
• decision-making theory and processes
• policy fragmentation and integration
• collaborative policy and participation
• stakeholder analysis
• governance arrangements

Practical information

Course date
Monday 11 March 2024 until Friday 26 April 2024.

€ 2,295,- per person and covers access to the digital learning environment with all
study material.

Number of participants
Max. 18 professional participants (and max. 18 MSc students)

Coordinated by


Register for the Course Managing Public Space: Governance.