MSc thesis Land Use Planning

The key challenge of the MSc thesis is to set up and carry out a scientific research project individually and in an (almost) fully self-responsible manner. The research of the Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning group offers challenging possibilities for MSc thesis research Land Use Planning. Within the context of our research program you are invited to develop your own thesis proposal in consultation with a thesis supervisor.

Finding a topic

There are several ways to find a potential topic for your MSc thesis. First of all, the topics addressed in Land Use Planning courses in the first year of the master program may have roused your interest. Reading recently published scientific papers on such topics may give you further information about the scientific debate and research on these topics. The research page of our group and the individual pages of staff members give further information about our research interests and the type of scientific publications we work on. Please note that the first supervisor of a MSc thesis Land Use Planning needs to be a scientific staff member affiliated with the Spatial Planning chair group. An overview of these staff members and the types of MSc thesis topics they supervise are shown at the Brightspace MSc thesis Land Use Planning. Since new supervisors may become available during the academic year it is always recommended to discuss your first ideas with the MSc thesis coordinator. Finally, examples of the best MSc thesis reports of last academic year (at the right-hand side of this page) may also give you inspiration. When searching for a topic it is important to keep in mind that the topic should always fit within the research program of our group and match with the research interests and capacity of a supervisor. Your supervisor will always have to agree with the selected topic. 

Course guide MSc thesis WU Land Use Planning

The course guide MSc thesis WU Land Use Planning is the main reference for the MSc thesis Land Use Planning. The course guide includes a general Part A which is the same for all chair groups at Wageningen University and a Part B which describes the specific requirements and procedure for preparing and executing a MSc thesis Land Use Planning. The course guide can be downloaded below.

More Information

For more information please visit the Brightspace MSc thesis Land Use Planning.