Both our research and education focus on advancing our understanding of soil chemical processes at the very small scale, to enable a better understanding of soil functioning at larger scales. Examples of such soil functions are provision of food, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, water purification and soil contaminant mitigation.
To improve our understanding of soil chemical processes we use a range of different research methods, encompassing lab/greenhouse/field experiments, chemical soil and plant analyses, state-of-the-art analytical techniques and geochemical modelling.
We strongly believe that the best research is done in collaboration. For this reason, we closely work together with leading national and international research institutes. Within Wageningen University & Research (WUR) we are part of the Soil Science Cluster, in which the four soil-oriented chair groups (next to SOC, also SGL, SBL and SLM) collaborate to enlarge our impact and visibility in the domain of soil science.
The Soil Chemistry group itself also consists of various parts that work closely together. Next to the scientific staff, the chair group includes colleagues working at the Soil Chemistry Laboratory (CBLB) and at WEPAL. The CBLB is a leading laboratory for high-quality chemical analyses with a focus on soil, crop and water samples. WEPAL is a world-leading organizer of proficiency testing programs for soil, plants and organic waste that are essential for laboratories all over the world to monitor their analytical performance.
By developing, modelling and implementing soil chemical knowledge, we contribute to the sustainable use of our soils.
The name of our group was officially shortened to Soil Chemistry.Read more
January 1, 2019
Soil Science Cluster is formed
Together with the three other soil-oriented groups of Wageningen University (Soil Biology, Soil Physics and Land Management and Soil Geography and Landscape), our group is collaborating in the new Soil Science Cluster to enlarge our impact and visibility in the domain of soil science. Read more
January 1, 2018
Move from Atlas to Lumen
In the summer of 2018, our group moved from the Atlas building to the Lumen building just across the road, to join the other Environmental Sciences groups.Read more
January 1, 2015
International Year of Soils
The United Nations declared the year 2015 as the International Year of Soils. Their aim was to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of soils for humans, by providing food security and essential ecosystem functions.Read more
January 1, 2012
Prof. dr. RNJ (Rob) Comans
Prof. dr. RNJ (Rob) Comans succeeded Prof. dr. WH (Willem) van Riemsdijk as the new chair of the group.Read more
January 1, 2006
Move from the Dreijen to Atlas
Gradually all activities of Wageningen University are moved from its old location on the Dreijen to the new campus at the north-eastern site of Wageningen. Our group is moved to the new Atlas building.Read more
January 1, 1998
Department of Soil Quality
The new name of the chair group led by Prof. dr. WH (Willem) van Riemsdijk becomes the chair group of Soil Chemistry and Chemical Soil Quality, into which now also the chair group of ‘Bodemhygiene en -verontreining’ is merged. Together with the chair group of Soil Biology and Biological Soil Quality this new group forms the Department of Soil Quality. Read more
January 1, 1991
Prof. dr. WH (Willem) van Riemsdijk
Prof. dr. WH (Willem) van Riemsdijk becomes the new chair of ‘Bodemkunde en Plantenvoeding’ and ‘Bodemscheikunde’, to which shortly after also the group of ‘Grond- en Gewasanalyse’ is added.Read more
January 1, 1991
Prof. dr. ir. A (Anton) van Diest retires
Prof. dr. ir. A (Anton) van Diest retires as chair of ‘Bodemkunde en Plantenvoeding’, which is now again combined with the chair group of ‘Bodemscheikunde’. Read more
January 1, 1982
‘Bodemkunde en Plantenvoeding’ (Soil Science and Plant Nutrition)
The name of the chair group ‘Bodemkunde en Bemestingsleer’ is changed to ‘Bodemkunde en Plantenvoeding’ (Soil Science and Plant Nutrition). Read more
January 1, 1974
Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen retires
Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen retires as chair of the ‘Bodemkunde en Bemestingsleer’ group. In the subsequent years the group is divided into several other subgroups:
‘Bodemvruchtbaarheid en Bemestingsleer’ (Soil Fertility and Fertilization Studies) led by Prof. dr. ir. A (Anton) van Diest
‘Bodemvruchtbaarheid en Plantenvoeding’ (Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition) led by Prof. dr. GR (Günter) Findenegg
‘Bodemhygiëne en -verontreiniging’ (Soil Hygiene and Pollution) led by Prof. FAM (Frans) de Haan
‘Algemene Bodemkunde’ (General Soil Science) led by Prof. dr. ir. GH (Jerry) Bolt
‘Grond- en Gewasanalyse’ (Soil and Plant Analysis; this group is the predecessor of WEPAL)Read more
January 1, 1970
‘Bodemkunde en Bemestingsleer’ (Soil Science and Fertilization Studies)
The name of the Laboratory of ‘Landbouwscheikunde’ is changed to ‘Bodemkunde en Bemestingsleer’ (Soil Science and Fertilization Studies). Read more
January 1, 1957
Move to the Dreijen
The new building on the Dreijen was finished in 1957, which not only included office and laboratory space, but also a large greenhouse complex. Read more
January 1, 1949
Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen
Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen succeeded Prof. ir. J (Joost) Hudig as chair of the Laboratory of ‘Landbouwscheikunde’. In the subsequent years, there is regular contact between him and various agricultural research institutions in the Netherlands. During a large part of his period as chair, the Laboratory of ‘Landbouwscheikunde’ consists of two groups:
‘Bodemvruchtbaarheid en Bemestingsleer’ (Soil Fertility and Fertilization Studies) led by Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen himself and Prof. dr. ir. A (Anton) van Diest
‘Bodemscheikunde en Bodemnatuurkunde’ (Soil Chemistry and Soil Physics) led by Prof. dr. ir. GH (Jerry) Bolt. Read more
January 1, 1945
Laboratory of ‘Landbouwscheikunde’ (Agricultural Chemistry) heavily damaged
During the last years of the Second World War the building of the Laboratory of ‘Landbouwscheikunde’, which was situated at the Diedenweg, was heavily damaged. After the war, the people who worked here moved to an emergency laboratory in the city centre. Read more
January 1, 1928
Prof. ir. J (Joost) Hudig
Prof. ir. J (Joost) Hudig becomes the chair of the Laboratory of ‘Landbouwscheikunde’ (Agricultural Chemistry). He was largely responsible for introducing the concept of chemistry in agriculture. Read more
January 1, 1808
Winand Staring
Winand Staring was the founder of soil science and geology in the Netherlands, and the driving force behind the establishment of the ‘Rijkslandbouwschool’ in Wageningen, which was the predecessor of Wageningen University.Read more