1. What does LAPSUS stand for, what does the acronym mean?

Modelling landscape development or evolution for soil, regolith, debris re-distribution. Always both erosion AND deposition. LandscApe ProcesS modelling at mUlti dimensions and Scales (spatial, temporal and different processes.

2. Which important landscape processes can be modelled with LAPSUS?

LAPSUS allways operates at the landscape scale processing both erosion and deposition / re-sedimentation of soil or sediments for different processes:

  • Water (from wash, overland flow to river gradient)
  • Tillage (ploughing)
  • Soil Creep
  • Land Sliding

3. How can I obtain and use the model?

There is presently no downloadable version of the model. We are working to prepare LAPSUS 3.0 , which should come with a user interface. To get aversion or colaborayion just E-mail us and we will discuss the possibilities. Our main aim for cooperation is getting peer reviewed publications and even better: research funding in for example (shared) PhD projects

4. How can I stay up to date about developments with the model?

Good question! You can register for the news letter with Schoorl, J.M.

5. Can I use LAPSUS in projects?

Of course!! E-mail us and we will discuss the possibilities. Our main aim for cooperation is getting peer reviewed publications and even better: research funding in for example (shared) PhD projects.

6. What is ArcFLAT?

ArcFLAT is a free little program to remove flats and pseudo-flats from a filled DEM. Check the download section and read the readme file.

7. What is T-Vector?

T-vector is a free little program to analyse tectonics from the DEM. Check the T-Vector download section and read the readme file.