Staff of the Soil Science cluster is active in various type of outreach activities targeted to involve the broader public in the soil science domain. Below you can find some examples of outreach activities performed by the Soil Science cluster staff.
Outreach activities for the general public
- Participation in the Wageningen Biodiversity Challenge.
- Participation in the Dutch Soil Science Weekend 2021/2022/2023 - click here for de Gelderlander article.
- Involvement in the Dutch education days on soil biodiversity (Bodemdierendagen).
- Involvement in the Studium Generale series on soil ‘Soil! What lies beneath your feet?’ with the lecture 'The living soil'.
- Involvement in the organisation of the Science Cafe' Wageningen .
- Collaboration in the outreach project Soil, LIVE! with artist Remco de Kluizenaar
- Collaboration with various artists

Activities for primary and secondary education
- Participation in the WUR Global Guest program
- More earthworms than pandas in Gelderland (TopLaag Gelderland) (here you can find the report in Dutch)
- Participation in the Wetenschap(per) in de klas (Scientist in the classroom) program
- Participation in the Teacher Academy (e.g. Soil Ecology course)
Professional publications and reports for policy making
- Professional publications (e.g. Dutch journal 'Bodem', Dutch KNPV 'Gewasbescherming')
- Reports for policy making (for instance see the variety of policy briefs in the context of the RECARE, iSQAPER, LANDMARK and SPRINT projects)
Media activities
- Participation in TV programs (e.g. In 2020 Dr. C.R. Stoof participated in the Duch kids program "het Jeugdjournaal")
- Participation in radio programs (e.g. 2020 BBC World Service News Hour - Interview featuring Dr. L. Chamberlain (SGL and NCL) on the topic of Climate Change, Deltas and Sea Level Rise. Liz works in cooperation with Prof. W. and Dr. Reimann)
- Blogs
- Podcasts (e.g. "Gerlinde De Deyn or what happens in the soil under our feet" podcast resulted from the Eco-serve project; "Soils in danger: Europe fights back" with contribution of Rachel Creamer)
- Videos (e.g. 2017 News Video series – Het LAB – Dr. C.R. Stoof “Hoe kom je levend uit een bosbrand? | het LAB#1” on the youtube channel of the Universiteit van Nederland from C.R. Stoof)
- Articles on Dutch and international newspapers (e.g. 2021 Dutch newspaper Trouw - article with input from W. Wiersma on European Cd regulation in cacao products; 2018 Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant - Trotse boeren, betere bodems, meer voedsel: het kán in Afrika. Article from Dr. A. Kessler and colleagues on soil conservation and crop production in Burundi, Afrika.)
- Press conferences (e.g. 2017 Press conference - Esperanza Huerta, (SLM) invited to share her research on microplastics in the food chain at a European Geosciences Union General Assembly press conference on “Plastic litter: how its transported, reaches the food chain, and what we can learn from it”)
- X: SGL, SBL, SOC, SLM, Soil Science cluster X account available - @SoilClusterWUR
- Other social media activities: (e.g. On the 1st December 2021 a Q&A session about soil salinization with Stephan Mantel (ISRIC) and the Soil Science cluster expert Jos van Dam (SLM) was organized in collaboration with ISRIC in occasion of the World Soil Day on the 5th December. The session was streamed live on Instagram and you can find the recording here, enjoy it!)
Others: On the SGL News and Calendar page you can find more media exposure in Dutch.