HPP staff association
We (Yongran, Britt, Yifei, Jordan, Willy, Killian, Kim, and Cristy) are currently part of the HPP staff association, Personeelsvereniging (PV) in Dutch!
What we do? We are mainly in charge of organizing the bi-weekly HPP drinks, the yearly lab trip, and other social events like the Christmas gathering, the Eastern eggs, Sinterklaas, Boardgame nights, Pub quizzes, Pizza kick off of the new academic year, and much more!
How do we do this ? In the beginning of the academic year we ask all staff members for a small contribution (35 euros) and this goes to our treasurer Britt. With this contribution, and also contribution from the group, we can do all the activities mentioned before. Although we are the ‘main organizers’ we are open for suggestions from all of our colleagues regarding activities that you would like us to organize. Also feel free to help us with the organization!
The PV also is always open for new members, and you can be a PhD, but also a postdocs, academic staff or assistant! If you are interesting in being part of the PV, or you have any suggestions please contact any of the members.
Current HPP PV members:
dr. AC (Cristina) Zepeda Cabrera
Assistant professor -
dr. Y (Yongran) Ji
Postdoc -
Y (Yifei) Zhao
PhD candidate -
JB (Jordan) van Brenk
PhD candidate -
CW (Willy) Contreras Aviles
PhD candidate -
BC (Britt) Besemer
Research & education assistant -
K (Killian) Dupont MSc
PhD candidate -
KR (Kim) Vanderwolk
Education assistant