Crop physiology and crop modelling
The research of the Crop physiology and crop modelling subgroup (dr. Ep Heuvelink) studies in an analytical, quantitative way the effects of environmental factors (e.g. light spectrum) on crop growth and yield, making use of simulation models. The research addresses the following areas for Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) crops, i.e. crops grown in greenhouses and vertical farms:
- Light interception and crop photosynthesis
- Plant development, especially flowering and fruit set
- Biomass partitioning based on organ sink strength
- Yield gap analysis
Our top 3 publications
Heuvelink, E. (1999). Evaluation of a dynamic simulation model for tomato crop growth and development. Annals of Botany 83: 413-422. DOI 10.1006/anbo.1998.0832 (link)
Ji, Y., Nuñez Ocaña, D., Choe, D., Larsen, D., Marcelis, L.F.M., Heuvelink, E., 2020. Far-red radiation stimulates dry mass partitioning to fruits by increasing fruit sink strength in tomato New Phytologist 228: 1914–1925. (link)
Rivas, A; Liu, K and Heuvelink, E., 2021. LED Intercanopy lighting in blackberry during spring improves yield as a result of increased number of fruiting laterals and has a positive carryover effect on autumn yield. Frontiers in Plant Sience 12: 620642. (link)
Full list of publications: Research@WUR, Google Scholar and Orchid
Our team
- E (Ep) Heuvelink
Associate professor -
dr. Y (Yongran) Ji
Postdoc -
CW (Willy) Contreras Aviles
PhD candidate -
DP (Diego) Nunez Ocana
PhD candidate -
E (Elena) Vincenzi
PhD candidate -
HEG (Hadrien) Momont MSc
PhD candidate -
IJ (Ingeborg) Schouten MSc
PhD candidate -
JS (Julia) Winkeler MSc
PhD candidate -
KR (Kartika) Susilo MSc
PhD candidate -
MS (Margarethe) Karpe MSc
PhD candidate -
M (Maria) Mastoraki MSc
PhD candidate -
ir. MMSF (Mexx) Holweg
PhD candidate -
MB (Mehdi) Bisbis
PhD candidate -
P (Peige) Zhong
PhD candidate -
S (Sophia) Renner MSc
PhD candidate -
TZ (Ting Zhu) Zhan
PhD candidate -
X (Xiaohan) Zhou
PhD candidate -
X (Xin) Yuan
PhD candidate -
Y (Yunke) Chen
PhD candidate -
Z (Zhibo) Cai
PhD candidate -
Z (Kexin) Yao
PhD candidate -
BC (Britt) Besemer
Research & education assistant -
ir. TN (Tijmen) Kerstens
Research & education assistant
External PhD candidates
- Joana Filipa Félix Machado (GreenUPorto)
- Marisa Lourenço (GreenUPorto)