Coordinatie Kernteam
Since 2019 the KB programme circular and climate neutral of Wageningen Research has been managed by a programme leader supported by her coreteam. This plan describes the activities of the programme leader and the coreteam
Since 2019 the KB programme circular and climate neutral of Wageningen Research has been managed by a programme leader, positioned at Wageningen Corporate Strategy and accounts supported by her coreteam. Providing a strong profile for the themes and the knowledge that is developed, both internally and externally, is a key part of the role of the programme leaders and the core team. Activities of the programme leader and core team include: developing operational procedures e.g. for workplan development, reporting of deliverables, and financial monitoring, reviewing project progress and project workplans and deliverables. The coreteam meets on a regular basis in order to execute its tasks and decide on program progress and needed strategic developments. Programme leaders keep in close contact with their respective LNV-contact persons. In 2022 additionally attention will be paid to the development of the vision document for the KB programme of ’23 and '24. Creative brainstorm session will be organized, stakeholders will be interviewed, a vision will be written and new request for workplans will be send out.