Doorontwikkeling en praktijktoets KPI's kringlooplandbouw – Fase 2
To realize the objectives of the vision of the dutch ministry of agriculture on circular agriculture there is a need to develop an instrument that directs farmers towards these objectives. This origins from the need to formulate concrete objectives for circular agriculture, an integrated approach towards these objectives and to reward contributions to the objectives.
This project explores the development of Key Performance Indicators. A system of KPI's entails a logic system of objectives, KPI's indicators and perspective for action on the ground. An integrated set of KPI's will be formulated as well as the design of a proof of concept in different areas.
KPI's Kringlooplandbouw
Appreciatie Landbouwakkoord – onderdeel doelsturing en KPI’s
Afbakening en functionele eenheid KPI broeikasgassen melkveehouderij : Systematische analyse van voor- en nadelen van opties
Wageningen: Wageningen University & Research (Rapport / Wageningen University & Research 2024-097) -
Hoe meet je de impact van kritische prestaties van landbouwbedrijven op biodiversiteit? : Analytisch kader ter validatie van Kritische Prestatie Indicatoren (KPI’s)
Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research (Background paper / Wageningen Environmental Research )