Effective visualisation for Digital Twins
A Digital Twin represents the current status of a physical, dynamic, entity that provides explicit and useful knowledge for decision making. To accomplish this, the Digital Twin must transform complex data into useful and understandable visualisations of the (digital) outcomes. This project describes features of effective Digital Twin visualisations.
The purpose of a Digital Twin is to represent the current state of a physical entity and thus to produce useful knowledge, for instance for decision making, leading to the most favourable, realistic, results. The Digital Twin must transform complex spatial, temporal and semantic data into understandable visualisations for a broad range of users and stakeholders. Because the use of a Digital Twin may inspire new insights, the visualisation must also be able to help answer new questions that users develop in their interaction with the DT.
The Exploratory project “Visualisation and the Digital Twin” examines effective visualisation concepts and develops an experimental prototype of a visualisation. The project will deliver guidelines, best practices and strategies to support developers of Digital Twin visualisations.