ETC Biodiversity
In the ETC BD consortium, which acts on behalf of the European Environment Agency, Wageningen Environmental Research supports the development of spatial information linking flora, fauna, vegetation and habitat information from both in situ and remote sensing information; carries out assessments relating to Natura 2000, modelling species and ecosystems at European level, concerning fragmentation and connectivity and species-environment relationships as well as High Nature Value farming and forestry.
The presence of Wageningen Environmental Research within the consortium provides a conduit for Dutch knowledge and practical experience into Europe, but is also a means for two-way communication and the collection of intelligence and information about the key biodiversity related issues at any given moment. Through Wageningen Environmental Research involvement in the national biodiversity agenda, we are able to input to national issues and problem solving and to contribute significantly to many of the critical issues of the moment.
Assessment of the EUNIS Forest habitat probability maps based on Article 17. ETC/BD
Paris: European Topic Centre Biological Diversity (Technical paper / European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 13) -
Modelling the spatial distribution of EUNIS forest habitats based on vegetation relevés and Copernicus HRL : Using habitat suitability maps based on vegetation relevés and and amongst others the Copernicus high resolution layer forest, this report describes in detail the method used to produce the probability maps for the EUNIS forest habitat types at level 3. An assessment of these maps has been done for the whole of Slovakia. All the maps are presented in Annex I.
Paris: European Topic Centre Biological Diversity (Technical paper / European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity 14/2015) -
Modelling habitat probability maps for EUNIS habitat types heathland, scrub and tundra based on vegetation relevés, environmental data and Copernicus land cover data : ETC/BD Report 4/2016
ETC/BD (ETC/BD Report ) -
Revising the freshwater section of the EUNIS habitats classification - a scoping paper : Updated paper
Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (2016), Volume: 2, Issue: 3 - ISSN 2056-3485 - p. 122-131. -
Distribution and habitat suitability maps of revised EUNIS grassland types
Note on advantages and limits of remote sensing datasets for biodiversity indicators
Investigating the contribution of the potential 'umbrella effect' of Nationally Designated Areas (CDDA sites) for European plant biodiversity
Processing European habitat probability maps at 20m resolution for EUNIS grassland types based on vegetation relevés, environmental data and Copernicus HRL grassland
European Environment Agency (EEA) (ETC/BD Techical paper 8/2018) -
Report on a prioritised list of habitats and emblematic species in the framework of Action 12 of the Nature Action Plan
Paris, France: European Topic Centre Biological Diversity (ETC/BD Working paper N° A/2018)