Expanding and enhancing nature based strategies to shape a climate and future proof society - NBS boost
In 2019, Wageningen University & Research published a long term vision for a nature based future of the Netherlands in 2120, as a product of the Kennisbasis 36 program. This perspective proved to be appealing to national, regional and local policy makers, the private sector and across society. The vision was one of the frontrunners and boosted a shift in thinking about the connected transitions and the way to act. Follow-up investments were made within the KB in 2021 and 2022 to further propagate the vision and to develop it further towards action perspective(s).
Many provincial, regional and local governments got in touch to translate the vision to the regional and even local scale. In the project Het Ronde Landschap we set the next step, applying and supporting the NL2120 way of thinking in local and regional cases in the Netherlands. Some of these cases were carried out as desk study, some of them were shaped in co-creation with stakeholders in the study area. Actual regional cases were followed and reflected upon. The co-creation of a long-term perspective was at the very heart of these cases. A perspective to inform and inspire regions towards a natural, climate-proof and circular future. The project served as an 'umbrella' project, dedicated to learn about useful methodologies and tools across the cases, about the key factors to make impact with these kind of trajectories and guiding future-oriented visions.
In this project experiences, products and lessons-learned were brought together from these individual cases and converted into scientific and social publications and presentations. The proposed project will bring together these two projects and their teams. We join forces and build further together on the results and insight gained in these projects to make noticeable impact in the broad public and scientific debate and to enrich the integrated insights and knowledge required for a transition to a nature based future, for the Netherlands and beyond.
Nederland op de tekentafel -100 jaar toekomstideeën
Als water en vuur: een landschap in verandering.
Toekomst door een groene bril: hoe ziet Europa er in 2120 uit?
Natuurlijk toekomstperspectief
In: Handleiding Toekomst Denken - college van rijksadviseurs - p. 24-27. -
A prosperous future, within the planetary boundaries: No doom and gloom, but green and bloom...
De Minister gaat het verbieden, maar Arnhem bouwt nog wél in de uiterwaarden
NL2120 Als het samenkomt, praktisch in perspectief
NL2120 Moonshot
NL2120 De wereld van generatie Alpha
Like water and fire -changing landscapes