Gereedschapskist 2021
For long-term embedding in practice and the roll-out of the pilots over larger areas, there is a need for practical instruments that can support forest managers, land owners and policymakers in choosing the right climate-smart management and design measures in forests, landscape plantings and nature areas. There is also a need for information about the costs of these measures and the effects on climate, wood production, nature and recreation goals.
In the climate envelope of 2018, an online Toolbox has been designed that meets these wishes. The structure of the Toolbox was set up in 2019 and the Toolbox was filled with measures and example projects. The website went online in the spring of 2019.
The Toolbox was brought to the attention through articles (Vakblad Natuur Bos en Landschap, De Landhouder) and presentations (including at the Beheerdersdag 2019 and at Landgoed Vilsteren). Work continued in 2020, adding some new functionalities to the Toolbox and writing a communication plan.