Harmonizing and measuring sustainability (food)
This research explores the options for a voluntary, harmonized sustainability dashboard with a wide support basis in Northwest European countries for all food products. It discusses among others shared definitions and indicators for environmental impact and sustainability.
On February 16, 2023 we organised the conference “Towards a harmonised Ecolabel for food in the EU”.
Please find the presentations below:
“LCA based Ecolabeling: A game changer” by Koen Boone, WUR
“Helping consumers go greener: Results of the Eco-Score trial at Lidl“ by Malte Piontek, Lidl International
“2023 - Time for environmental labelling in France !” by Vincent Colomb, ADEME
We also released our latest publication during this conference:
LCA based labelling systems: Game changer towards more sustainable food consumption across Europe by Koen Boone, Roline Broekema, Mariet van Haaster-de Winter, Irina Verweij-Novikova and Houkje Adema.
Please find here the message (in Dutch) from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality about ecolabelling for food:
If you are interested to know more about PEF-related initiatives, read our publication here:
Product Environmental Footprint : Overview of EU and national public and private initiatives in agro-food, By Irina Verweij-Novikova, Roline Broekema and Koen Boone
Why and how do we explore the possibility of a harmonized sustainability system?
Despite the availability of multiple initiatives to make sustainability recognizable throughout the value chain or at food products. And the fact that a wide range of Northwest European stakeholders have indicated their interest in having a harmonized sustainability dashboard, so far, little synthesis of existing initiatives has taken place on an aggregated level. At the same time, attention for on and current dynamics of measuring and communicating about environmental impact are increasing. This project therefore continuously aims to
- learn from existing sustainability measurement initiatives, both public and private (State of the Art);
- explore the interest and conditions for adoption among market parties (Market Orientation);
- foster enhancing cooperation and integration on these issues by organising meetings on a regular base with European experts (Expert Meetings) and all interested actors (private/public) (Webinars).
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